Noah's Arc is written in FORTH and for those of you who are asking "What is Forth" here is my one page introduction. Unlike other computer languages with a limited set of instructions forth is more like a real language English, French or German. All forth instructions are called words and are keep in a dictonary. Forth is just like a child it knows very few words, but you can teach it new words. My ATART ST like a child does not know what an Arc is, so I say it has a planked hull with 9 nameplates, brick cabin and a shingle roof. But I then have to explain what planks, brick and shingle look like. I think you are ready for your first forth lesson; 2 9 brown pattern brick is what I write in forth, the word "pattern" takes a colour and two numbers and adds a new word in the forth dictonary called "brick". Whenever the forth program says "brick" it takes those numbers and places them in the correct locations in the ST's memory ready for drawing a shape. I've also written a forth word called "shape" which takes a number of screen x y positions then draws the shape; 88 360 88 466 120 466 120 360 90 360 5 shape cabin Finialy here is my definition in forth to draw the arc, each of the patterns and shapes having been described similar to above. It contains some forth words which will be new to you, but you may well be able to guess their meaning; planked hull brick cabin shingle roof outlined 9 0 do i .nameplate loop